Barack Obama chooses bad instead of worse in Iraq

U.S. President Barack Obama will be speaking in an hour. Apparently, he has formulated a plan for dealing with ISIS. That plan will, if the talking heads on CNN are to be believed, include arming rebels in Syria and bombing the hell out of the Islamic State’s positions in Iraq and Syria. Obama has been forced to choose between bad and worse.

I still maintain, as I did in my first post about ISIS, that getting involved in this conflict is a bad option. There are so many tribal, ethnic, religious and political vagaries involved that your ally today will be your enemy tomorrow and may in fact be your enemy today. Beyond that, you can’t beat an idea (the caliphate) and an ideology (militant Islam) with bombs even if you need to bomb threats.

I’m watching CNN right now and General Wesley Clark said the U.S. needs to get Sunni Arab troops in the region to fight ISIS. On the face of it, that makes sense. If you have Sunni Arab troops in a Sunni Arab region of Iraq you’re more likely to undermine local support for ISIS, which is made up of primarily Sunni Arabs, as the ‘occupiers’ would be culturally, ethnically and religiously like the ‘occupied’.

The problem is, at least from my vantage point, that neighbouring Sunni Arab states like Jordan or Saudi Arabia want to get involved like they want a bowl of toe juice for breakfast. They want to stay out of it for a variety of reasons.

  1. The monarchies don’t want to become any more of a target than they already are among religious radicals.
  2. There’s  a strong element of support for ISIS in Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Egypt, etc. In fact, ISIS has received financial support from wealthy Arabs in the region.
  3. While Shiite Iranians may not like Sunni Arab extremists they wouldn’t be comfortable with Saudi troops in Iraq to say the least as they’re major competitors. Of course, it’s not like Iran and the U.S. get along, but Saudis or other Sunnis in Iraq could cause complications down the road.

I may very well be wrong. Maybe Saudi Arabia, Jordan, etc. will leap at the possibility of getting sucked into what is, effectively, a regional war. After all, it doesn’t take a great leap of logic to see the regional war coming to their doorsteps if they attempt to avoid it.





One thought on “Barack Obama chooses bad instead of worse in Iraq

  1. I have personally known Wesley Clark since he lived next door to my parents house in Germany together with his ugly ex wife in 1975. Clark is a criminal psychopath that belongs on the electric chair. It is disgusting to see this piece of shit sit around in the US media claiming to be an expert on all sorts of subjects.

    Clark lost his NATO job in Europe early because he was very incompetent and among other things has committed a long list of crimes. Such as multiple kidnappings and very heinous torture in 3 different countries in Europe.

    This lying criminal piece of shit belongs on the electric chair for the very long list of crimes that I and a lot of other people have witnessed him commit in Europe. If the media in the US were functioning they would seriously investigate his crimes instead of having the piece of shit sit around on TV and claiming to be such an expert on all sorts of subjects.

    If the US had any functioning media system they would finally investigate the long list of crimes that Clark has committed instead of crawling into the ass of that foul criminal animal.

    Below you will find links to my blogs about the case:

    English blog no. 1

    English blog no. 2

    English blog no. 3

    German blog

    Overview blog – English and German text

    Dutch blog

    French blog – very recent and not yet finished

    Radio Interview

    Please sign my
    Petition to the White House, the German and the Dutch Government
    to finally give back my dad on Change org.

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