Scottish voters are irrational

According to a poll in the Daily Mail, 74% of decided voters in the upcoming Scottish referendum believe they are using their ‘heads’ not their ‘hearts’. It seems Scottish nationalism and British unionism, to the extent consequences of separation can be accurately predicted, are about the careful weighing of legal, economic and political trade-offs.

The poll does raise an interesting point though. If the decided vote is roughly 47% against to 44% for separation, and 74% of decided voters are using their ‘heads’, then there are a lot of people who aren’t using their heads but are claiming to be using them. After all, there are only two options.  One group can’t be using their ‘head’ if you assume there’s A rational choice. And yet there are people who are believe they are using their ‘heads’ who will make the ‘wrong’ choice.

I suppose those who make the ‘wrong’ choice must be either dumb and/or deluded. I wonder who is dumb and/or deluded? …….